Women United Against Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts


COUNTRY/TOWN: Democratic Republic of the Congo /

LENGTH: 2023 - 2024

In progress

The prevalence of sexual violence in armed conflicts is particularly dramatic in Africa. The general objective of this project is to find solutions for the prevention and fight against sexual violence. The specific objectives are to make visible the work that women’s organizations are doing to address this violence in three African countries: DRC, Mali and Central African Republic (CAR), as well as to identify possible strategies to tackle these crimes.

The project will be developed in the DRC, the ground zero of sexual violence in armed conflicts. The scope of the project will be extended to two other scenarios of sexual violence: Mali and Central African Republic. These three countries have been chosen because the Women for Africa Foundation has been working in all three, with women’s organizations, in different areas related to Women, Peace and Security.

Sexual violence in armed conflict is a plague that must be eradicated. However, every year, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Reports highlight how difficult it is to prevent, investigate and punish these crimes. Seventy percent of the perpetrators identified in these reports are recalcitrant. In other words, they have been on the list for more than five years. The fight against sexual violence is one of the pillars of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda of the United Nations Security Council.

Today, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and international human rights law have interacted to form an express and clear prohibition of crimes related to sexual violence, which may constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity, torture or components of genocide. There is already an extensive body of jurisprudence, which has been shaped by the pronouncements of international criminal tribunals and regional human rights courts.

Although the norm is clear, the fact remains that sexual violence continues to be used as a tactic of war. Crimes of this nature have recently been reported in Ukraine, but they already existed in many other theaters of war: Sudan, Somalia, Myanmar, Mali, CAR, DRC, Nigeria, etc.

Women’s organizations (activists) active in each of these scenarios, play a central role in relation to documenting, investigating and denouncing these crimes, as well as assisting survivors. The Women for Africa Foundation has seen this first-hand through our work with these organizations in Mali, CAR, DRC and Sudan.

We believe it is essential to give visibility and highlight the relevant work they are doing, as well as to facilitate the exchange of good practices and lessons learned among the leaders of these organizations and their respective teams.


Recognizing the importance of women-led mediation to end violence in DRC conflict zones, during 2023-2024 the Women for Africa Foundation worked intensively with the Pélagie Foundation to sensitize communities , government and military actors, exchange and document experiences, and with UNAOC through a joint initiative: Women’s Alliance for Peace, on various training programs to strengthen the role of some fifty women as mediators in three regions of the country and promote networking with other women mediators in countries such as Mali and the Central African Republic.

Within the framework of the project “Women united against sexual violence in armed conflicts”, led by the Women for Africa Foundation and the Pélagie Muhigirwa Foundation “FPM” (based in the DRC) and financed by the Basque Agency for Cooperation, 40 African women leaders met in the city of Bukavu and then in Kinshasa in 2023 to, on the one hand, follow a training on negotiation, mediation and personal development and, on the other hand, exchange experiences between African women from the three countries involved in the project (Mali, CAR, DRC) on situations of conflict and violence and the actions and visibility of women’s organizations in their respective countries. This exercise then enabled them to work together to define concrete actions to be undertaken, in line with existing agendas and resolutions, in particular the “Women, Peace and Security” Agenda of the UN Security Council.


International Congress: “Conflict Mediation and Peacebuilding: Strengthening the Role of Women”

Held in Kinshasa on July 16-17, 2024, with the support of UNAOC.

The international congress addressed crucial issues related to the role of women mediators in conflict resolution, the fight against violence, disarmament and peacebuilding. Women mediators rebuild the social fabric destroyed by decades of conflict, making mediation a key instrument, especially through women. This conference presented the experiences gathered in the DRC during the period 2023-2024, as well as the relevance of the work carried out in other countries such as Mali and CAR, in addition to the DRC, in the framework of the collaboration between the Women for Africa Foundation and UNAoC, with the Alliance of Women for Peace.

Women’s organizations play an essential role in documenting, investigating and denouncing crimes, as well as in assisting survivors. This calls for urgent action and international initiatives for disarmament, and to clearly and decisively value and strengthen the role of women mediators, starting at the community level but taking into account the importance of women’s presence at all levels of mediation. The Congress recognized that the inclusion of women as mediators in conflict resolution and the fight against violence against women in armed conflict are pillars of the UN Security Council’s “Women, Peace and Security” Agenda. Participants therefore examined the links between these realities, focusing on what women have to say as protagonists and agents in the fight against violence and in peace building, but also as victims of violence.

An effective fight against violence requires a collective commitment and an unwavering will for social and cultural change, as well as a profound reflection on gender dynamics in relation to the role of women as agents of peace. During the congress, concrete and sustainable measures for peace, for working with and protecting women were discussed.

Brochure of the congress (in French) (PDF)





Caddy Adzuba

Fatoumata Jallow Tambajang

Annie Matundu Mbambi

Belinda Mongolare

Emmanuelle Vasikya

Coura Diarra

Nathalie Nakabunda

Julienne Baseke

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