PLOCAN (Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands) is a Unique Scientific-Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) whose mission is to promote the development of knowledge and technologies for the responsible and sustainable use of the ocean. PLOCAN offers offshore and on land infrastructures to test new technologies, materials, concepts or methodologies, providing services to users in the public and private sectors. It comprises a fixed offshore platform with a net area of 2,500 m2 located near the coast at a depth of 30 m; a testsite with an area of 23 Km2 that offers progressive depths from the coast to 600 meters, and constitutes an optimal ecosystem in terms of data, operational models, logistics, compatible infrastructures and connection to the electricity grid; an electrical and communications infrastructure for evacuation of the energy produced during the experimental tests; a base of autonomous underwater vehicles; an observatory aimed at monitoring global change processes, ocean health, exploration and environmental monitoring of the marine environment and biodiversity; and an onshore headquarters with workshops and laboratories.
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