Period of enjoyment: from January 2025 to November 2026.


The Institute of Health Carlos III is the main implementing agent of the Spanish Health Science, Technology and Innovation System.  The performing R&I activities done by ISCIII is carried out through its national centers, institutes and research units by contributing decisively to preserving the health of all citizens.


Within the framework of the Science by Women program, ISCIII is committed to support:

  • projects targeting infectious diseases that disproportionately impact impoverished and vulnerable populations, including tuberculosis, malaria, and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs).
  • initiatives aimed at addressing malnutrition and food insecurity, that increase vulnerability to infectious diseases in marginalized communities.

These projects are expected to contribute to the overarching global objective of alleviating the burden of these diseases and should align with WHO roadmaps. Cross-disciplinary endeavors that integrate human, animal, and environmental health disciplines are encouraged, fostering comprehensive approaches to addressing these complex health challenges.

All candidates must obtain from their host a letter of acceptance. To obtain the proposal’s approval, please email:


Location: ISCIII has different possible locations, depending on the research group.



*ISCIII does not provide accommodation within campus. Selected candidates can find accommodation through Homy Space agency or Resa residences. Those that deny these options must secure their own option for accommodation and inform both parties, at least, 1 month before arrival in Spain.

**This institution offers 3 fellowship spots.

Amigos/as de la fundación