Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona is an institute of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain and the third largest in Europe, whose main objective is to develop and promote basic and applied research. ICMAB is a multidisciplinary research center focused on cutting-edge research in functional advanced materials in the fields of ENERGY, ELECTRONICS and NANOMEDICINE, with the aim of generating new knowledge and transferring it to society and industry. It is located at the Campus of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, surrounded by other research and technological centers and with access to many state-of-the-art equipment and scientific facilities.
ICMAB is one of the top research institutions labeled as “Severo Ochoa Research Centre”, a distinction that recognizes excellence at the highest international level in terms of research, training, human resources, outreach and technology transfer.
Research lines and contact hosts for proposals for this year’s call for applications are
– Molecular simulation for health challenges
Host: Dr. Jordi Faraudo
– Organic materials for energy
Host: Prof. Mariano Campoy
– Materials for energy
Host: Dr. Enykö György
– Oxide materials for electronics
Host: Dr. Can Onur Avci
– Molecular electronics
Host: Prof. Nuria Aliaga
– Sustainable molecular systems
Host: Prof. David Amabilino
All candidates must obtain proof of validation of their proposal from one of the aforementioned group leaders.
Location: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Campus de la, Carrer dels Til·lers, s/n, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona.
*ICMAB offers support in finding accommodation, only for the selected candidate, in university or researchers’ residential buildings. Those that deny this option must secure their own option for accommodation and inform both parties, at least, 1 month before arrival in Spain.
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