Period of enjoyment: from January 2025 to June 2026.


Deusto Institute of Technology is the Technology Research Institute at the University of Deusto. It conducts research in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing, Materials Engineering and Engineering of Simulation and Modelling applied to different sectors such as Industry, Mobility and logistics, Energy, Circular Economy, Health and Societal Challenges.

DeustoTech is structured in 7 different research groups specialized in the areas of:

  • Ubiquitous computing; remote experimentation and computational thinking; disruptive technologies of hybrid computational intelligence; distributed and decentralized computing aimed at solving social challenges.
  • Vehicular communications and cooperative systems; artificial intelligence applied to route/service optimization and traffic prediction; services based on positioning; transportation and intelligent mobility.
  • Applied computational intelligence in industry, industrial Cybersecurity, cognitive robotics, Quantum technologies, sustainable and ethical Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing.
  • Analysis and processing of biomedical, biological, and food signals; telemedicine, telemonitoring and telecare for health and quality of life; technological solutions for the promotion of physical activity, sports and nutrition; serious games as therapy and social insertion
  • Circular economy and the sustainable use of resources; behavioral modeling for the energy and social transition; modeling, optimization and control of industrial processes; digitization of processes and services.
  • Structural analysis and advanced materials characterization; analytical and numerical modeling; experimental mechanics; vibration, control and isolation; additive manufacturing.
  • Culture, design management and strategy; design for social innovation, ecodesign, accessibility, IoT, prospecting and trends; new design methodologies and tools; digital manufacturing.


Research proposals presented to DeustoTech must be related to the areas aforementioned and the following sectors:

Energy & Circular Economy:

This application area aims to design ITC-based solutions that will allow to move towards more sustainable and efficient environments and cities, working collaborately with companies and public administrations. Our scientific-technological capabilities include: environment, smart grids for the supply and management of urban services, and advanced maintenance and operation systems.

Mobility and transport:

This application area focuses on ICT research applied to transport, mobility of people and logistics. Our transfer activity related to the development ITS Intelligent Transport Systems and Smart Mobility Platforms, contributes to making the mobility of individuals and objects more sustainable, smarter and more comfortable. Our scientific-technological capabilities include: soft computing applied to ITS, smart mobility and seamless positioning systems.

Industry 4.0 and Logistics:

This application area is focused on transformation into a digital, smart and safe industry. We question the state of the art in order to meet the challenges faced by industry in its transformation towards a more sustainable and competitive model. Our scientific-technological capabilities include: industrial data analytics, cyberphysical systems, industrial design, advanced manufacturing, advanced materials and digitalized supply chain management.

Societal Challenges, Health and Learning:

This application area aims at using basic and applied research to make ICTs available to society and citizens, and contribute to building a better world. Our scientific/technological capabilities are: heterogeneous data management, IoP (Internet of People) and artificial intelligence for health and well-being.


To obtain the proposal’s approval, please email: 


Location: Facultad de Ingeniería, Avda. Universidades, 24, Bilbao (Bizkaia), 48007, España.



*DeustoTech offers support in finding accommodation, only for the selected candidate, in university or researchers’ residential buildings. Those that deny this option must secure their own option for accommodation and inform both parties, at least, 1 month before arrival in Spain.

Amigos/as de la fundación