Biodonostia Health Research Institute (Biodonostia HRI)

This fellowship must be completed not later than November 2023

*Accomodation in residence with full boarding is included

*Monthly allowance is 1.400 euros gross


Biodonostia Health Research Institute (Biodonostia HRIis a national and international centre of reference in the field of health research located in Donostia-San Sebastian. BiodonostiaHRI preferentially boosts translational research focusing on the patient; it covers all research carried out in Gipuzkoa within the framework of the Basque Health Service (Osakidetza – SVS) and aims to improve people’s health through its multi-institutional and inter-disciplinary collaborative structure. The priority of Biodonostia is to promote translational research basing part of its effort on innovation development in both medical and health technologies which lead to improvements in health care system by converting inventions into products.

Biodonostia HRI is arranged in 7 subject areas that bring together around 350 researchers in 26 groups.

Neuroscience Area: The research work carried out by the team in the Neurosciences Area aims to find solutions to neurological problems, coordinating their efforts from a translational perspective. The research is approached from different perspectives: basic molecular research, epidemiological research, clinical research, research into new therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, and research into clinical management.

–   Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases: mainly focused on gastrointestinal oncology and genetics. More specifically, the Area invests its efforts in the research in colorectal and pancreatic cancer, being the work aimed also at identifying new therapeutic targets for cholangiocarcinoma, hepatocarcinoma and gastric cancer. The genetic predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases is studied in different areas (inflammatory bowel disease, microscopic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc) in conjunction with the analysis of gut microbiota composition.

Infectious Diseases: divided into three main research fields: (i) vaccine preventable diseases, (ii) respiratoy infection and antimicrobial resistance, and (iii) AIDS and HIV infections. This Area is the one is in charge of carrying out all the clinical trials and studies related to SARS CoV-2.

Oncology: The Oncology Research Area works to promote cancer research by developing an integral programme of translational biomedical research. The Area’s research comprehensively covers differing and synergistic aspects of translational cancer research: the study of the molecules and genes involved in cancer (Molecular Oncology group); study of the cancer cell (Cellular Oncology group); and improvements to the treatment and management of cancer patients (Breast Cancer group).

Systemic Diseases: The general objective in this area is to involve professionals at the Donostia University Hospital in research studies, and to establish and strengthen existing lines of research. The activities carried out by this Area can be divided into two parts: (i) surgery, with the line of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and (ii) the line of research into Heart Failure caused by Hypertension.

Epidemiology and Public Health: The research developed is intended to promote epidemiological, clinical and health services research at both community and hospital level, boost translational research, with a view to transferring knowledge to decision making in Public Health, and to the care practice, and incorporate the advances to the modification of the contextual and individual determinants of health. Identify etiological and phenotypic determinants in the appearance and development of pathological processes and conditions and, lastly, to be a reference in quality research in public health and epidemiology.

Bioengineering: It essentially deals with the design and construction of health products and health technologies, such as medical equipment, prostheses, medical devices, and diagnosis and therapy devices. It also intervenes in the management or administration of technical resources associated with a system of hospitals. It combines the experience of engineering with medical needs to obtain benefits in the field of health care. The discipline is currently also linked to other fields such as genomics and proteomics (computational biology).


In addition to these 7 vertical Research Areas, Biodonostia HRI stands out for having 3 transversal areas based on Aging, Personalized Medicine and Innovation, together with 9 Research Platforms (check it at, where quality research is also carried out and focused on the generation of value in health.

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