USC. Master in Chemistry at the Interface with Biology and Materials Science (2 scholarships)


USC – Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Vancacies: 2 master’s scholarships

USC. Master in Chemistry at the Interface with Biology and Materials Science

Modality: Face to face.
Duration: 1.5 years (90 ECTS).
Start date/end of first year course : September 9, 2024/ July 18, 2025.
Start date/end of second year course : September 2025/ February 2026 (TFM – February 2026).
Teaching language: English.
Academic requirements: Bachelor’s degree.
Recommended Academic Background: Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry; or any Bachelor’s Degree in Sciences, Health Sciences or Engineering and Architecture that include training in chemistry and is related to the objectives of this Master, ie. Biology, Pharmacy, Physics, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering or related degrees. In the case of applicants holding a degree not specifically included in the previous list, the Master’s Academic Committee will evaluate, during the admission process, the suitability of the candidate based on the contents of the academic curriculum completed.
Additional Requirements: B1 English level. The accreditation of a C1 or C2 English level will be considered an asset.
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