UNED. Pre-doctoral or doctoral stay in research Project TEMUCO


UNED – Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Vacancy: 1 Predoctoral or doctoral stay

UNED. Pre-doctoral or doctoral stay in research Project TEMUCO

TEMUCO – Territories of memory in Ibero-America: other cultures, other spaces. 20th and 21st centuries
TEMUCO – Territorios de la memoria en Iberoamérica: otras culturas, otros espacios. Siglos XX y XXI

Modality: Face-to-face.
Duration: 5 months.
Start date/final date: September 24-January 25.
Teaching Language:  English.
Research areas:  History, Anthropology, Museum Studies.
Academic requirements: Candidates should have completed their doctoral studies or, alternatively, hold a Master’s degree and be enrolled in a doctoral programme in areas relevant to this project (History, Anthropology, Museum Studies) or related disciplines.
Additional requirements: Candidates should have an advanced level of English (B2 or higher); some knowledge of Spanish would be desirable.
Other information of interest: This research grant offers the opportunity to carry out a 5-month research stay at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) during the first semester of the 2024-2025 academic year (from September 2024), under the PID2020-113492RB-100 project supervision. The project and the scholarship offered are within the scope of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Good Health and Wellbeing (#3) and Reduced Inequalities (#10).

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