Mai F. Tolba. Egypt


Mai Tolba EgyptThe Egyptian government made excellent preventive measures as they suspended schools and Universities even before any covid-19 case being diagnosed among students or the teaching staff members. Also, all the flights were suspended starting from March 19th.  I was also optimistic to hear that many organizations are donating to purchase more ventilators for hospitals to increase the capacity in case needed. Moreover, both the government together with the nongovernmental-charity organizations are doing a great job in supporting the underprivileged families and those who are dependent on daily incomes. This is very important to look at in every place around the world.

Personally, I am trying to be positive and doing my best amid this situation. I like to focus my efforts on what I can control to be able to make a change. As a University Professor at Ain Shams University Faculty of Pharmacy, we switched to the online teaching smoothly using Google classroom. I am also helping my postgraduate scholars to finalize their thesis or manuscripts as the usual thing. In addition to that I am trying to participate in raising the public awareness by providing simplified tips through my online platform “Cancer and the Castle guardians” on Facebook and Instagram.

My message to everyone is that we need to do more to help and support each other’s during those tough times. So, every day ask yourself how and who can I help today??!! Even a phone call to check on someone else can make a big difference these days.

Dr. Mai F. Tolba

 Associate Professor and Cancer Research Scientist, Ain Shams University, Faculty of Pharmacy

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