Covid-19 is a deadly disease which has spread almost all over the world and has killed millions of people.
It has affected me personally by the closing of Mosques, because as a Muslim that is where we offer our prayers. Although we can offer them at home, but still it is better when done with an Imam leading the prayers.
It has also affected my social movement. I am part of the Empowering Organizations which are Girls Empowerment Sierra Leone (GESL) and also part of Women Everywhere can Lead (We Can Lead). These two organizations are very empowering, because they teach us about Leadership, Self Development, Technology and a lot more. We also learn from each other, but all these activities have been put on hold because of this Covid-19 social distancing.
It has also affected my studies a lot, because by this time I should be in the third term getting ready to take my promotional WASSCE exams, but because of Covid-19 all schools are closed down. I try to study my notes, but there are things that needs to be taught in school before you really understand
I believe the authorities have taken so many measures to end this pandemic, but what about all we have missed?
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