Advisory Council

African Members

ELLEN JOHNSON-SIRLEAF, Former President of Liberia and Nobel Laureate 2011
CATHERINE SAMBA-PANZA, Former president of the Central African Republic
CHARITY KALUKI NGILU, Former Minister for Land, Housing and Urban Development
GERTRUDE MONGELLA, First President of the Pan-African parlament
AMANY ASFOUR, President of the African Alliance for the Empowerment of Women
NOUZHA SKALLI, Member of Parliament and Former Minister for Development, Family and Solidarity of Morocco
GRAÇA MACHEL, Educator and Activist for Women´s rigths
WANJIRA MATHAI, Chair of the Green Belt Movement


Non African Members

BARBARA HENDRICKS, Soprano and Honorary Ambassador for Life by the UNHCR
ADELAIDA DE LA CALLE, Regional Ministry of Education of the Andalusia Government.
ISABEL TOCINO, Executive Counselor of the Council of Spain
CRISTINA GARMENDIA, Biologist and former Minister of Science and Innovation
GLORIA LOMANA, Former Director of News Programs, Antena 3 TV
CARMEN CAFFAREL, Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Publicity
INÉS PARÍS, Filmmaker
TERESA LANGLE, Director of Women’s Knowledge International, Foundation Culture of Peace.

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